Please review my channel! New show on youtube that many will enjoy! :)


ey guys this is The Armymanis show episode 1! I will be doing lots of gameplay videos, as well as some collection videos once i purchase stuff.

I will also be doing a show called the Time Machine adventures, which enables me to pick a certain date on the timeline of earth and talk about the event that happened on that day and what I would do to change that event, whether it be good or bad. It will also give a chance for my subscribers/viewers to pick what they would do on that day and then on the very next commentary, I will try and read almost everyone's answers. This will go on back to back for sometime until people says its no fun anymore.

I will also do a show called space adventures, and we will visit different planets, learn about them, and discover aliens, space rivals, and warriors.

This is just an introduction video to the whole channel, so I hope you all enjoy!
Please watch, and subscribe.


While looking around on your channel I noticed that you have got a Green 'Channel Background' have you ever considered making one of your own, or downloading one?, I'm sure some people on the forum could help you with that!
You could add more detail into your 'About Me' section!, like telling people what your videos are about, what videos are coming soon and tell us a little about yourself!, On the video side of your channel, you only have 1 upload, which I'm sure your going to upload heaps more of videos, from your introduction,
Your video it's self is high quality (720p) and has a good quality commentary, it also makes the viewer want to continue watching the video!, just because I like what your talking about! :p

So there's my review, hope I helped! :p