Not true at all Tom. That would make no sense. What network makes you sign the official contract before you are even accepted?
It's becoming a trend now with the bigger networks because they don't want to lose you and get you to sign straight away so you can't do that.. :thumbsdown2:
Did you use this website to partner,, right?
When you are in the "Agreement" part there is the contract and if you click "Accept" you basically sign the contract. I know it's not really fair but there is nothing we can do...


For payment info you have to go to the Maker Dashoard (search it on google).

By the way, have you really earned 60$ with only 15000 views?
Did you use this website to partner,, right?
When you are in the "Agreement" part there is the contract and if you click "Accept" you basically sign the contract. I know it's not really fair but there is nothing we can do...


For payment info you have to go to the Maker Dashoard (search it on google).

By the way, have you really earned 60$ with only 15000 views?
Those were my monthly earnings with adsense included[DOUBLEPOST=1369173315,1369173209][/DOUBLEPOST]
Did you use this website to partner,, right?
When you are in the "Agreement" part there is the contract and if you click "Accept" you basically sign the contract. I know it's not really fair but there is nothing we can do...


For payment info you have to go to the Maker Dashoard (search it on google).

By the way, have you really earned 60$ with only 15000 views?
"your account can not be found in our records" does this mean I will still get my earnings? Or do I start to get them when I link my payment info