PewDiePie is going to livestream but NOT on YouTube!



PewDiePie is moving platforms.

Well, partially. In yesterday’s YouTube upload, PewDiePie (aka Felix Kjellberg) announced he’ll now be livestreaming each week exclusively on blockchain-based platform DLive, beginning with a stream this coming Sunday, April 14.

“DLive is great for me because I’m treated like a real partner, just like all the other streamers on their unique platform,” Kjellberg said in a statement.

Kat Peterson, cofounder of the influencer media company re6I and a member of Kjellberg’s management team, added, “This platform is able to support creators, in terms of revenue share, in a way that is hugely favorable to the creator.”

Where DLive differs from other platforms (and where “hugely favorable” comes in) is in the amount of revenue streamers receive. DLive’s streamers receive 90.1% of the revenue from their subscriptions and donations. (For comparison: YouTube takes a 30% cut of Channel Memberships and a 30% cut of Super Chat donations; Twitch takes a larger 50% slice from channel subscriptions, but doesn’t take a cut from donations.) But the other 9.9% doesn’t go to DLive, either. Instead, it goes into a collective pool that is doled out to the platform’s top streamers each day.

Since his DLive account was announced yesterday morning, he’s amassed 406,000 followers on the platform, and has received roughly $26,000 in Lino Point donations.

Link to full article:

Pewdiepie's video:


Call me cynical, but this is just about the money. Aside from the money pewdiepie will get from the platform from streaming, I'm guessing they've paid him a lot of money to promote their platform with that video. - I did notice it was labelled as "paid promotion" - Nothing wrong with that but I'm not sure all his bro army minions quite understand the money changing hands behind the scenes. Thoughts?
Are they backed by a major competitor like Amazon is to Google? Doubt it. Even Facebook is on the streaming push.

So no. I don't think there's anything of substance here. Just marketing stunt. They need way more than mr P to get anywhere.
It's crazy how all his "bros" do what he says without even questioning it. It's pretty scary actually that some people are so influenced by someone. ^^
For sure, there's plenty of money changing hands, but if it means a chance at creating a competitor to Twitch, I'm ok with it. But considering how previous attempts went there's some wishful thinking on my side...
It's crazy how all his "bros" do what he says without even questioning it. It's pretty scary actually that some people are so influenced by someone. ^^

Agreed. It's crazy how quickly it works but it's not surprising.

I remember I used to read a lot of Archie comics. I'm not American and they did influence me when I was young. So much so, that when my family and I moved countries and found the Capri Sun juice that was hammered into the Archie comics, I was an instant customer.

Imagine, the advertizing was so effective then, Pewds is todays live version of that effect.
I've tried out Dlive a few times a month or so ago, quite a nice platform. His move is largely amount money i'm sure but then so is all most all business, thats kind of just the world we live in. I think increased competition in the steaming marketplace is however very much a good thing
I personally rather stay on youtube since my growth was there since day one. Sure the 30% cut on the donations & memberships are a bit greedy. But there are still ways to earn $$$ on any platform if you have a large following. Just like Crown said, his "bros" will do anything. People would do the same for you if they are a big fan of you. The platform is just a stepping stone, expanding your own brand is the next level.
Well, in respect of DLive this is a really smart move. Twitch has established itself as THE streaming platform, so it's really hard to get into that market. Getting the biggest guy on Youtube on their side (no matter how much money is involved) is a huge and smart step. Because don't forget that Pewds isn't only an influence on his audience, he is an influence on Creators as well. Plus, a new platform means new opportunities to be in the front guard of their growth. Youtube and Twitch are so saturated that I don't blame people for trying out new platforms.
This won't work, remamber gamejolt that pew helped and now that site is filled with fan-made games with pew no longer supporting it. That is the same fate i see in this platfourm as many other ones.