Gaming PC Gaming Group (121 Subs)(No Sub Requirement)

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Hey im looking for PC gamers who want to game for fun and create videos with!
there is no sub requirements just you have a decent pc that can run cs:go, garrys mod, unturned, and roblox, but mostly gmod and cs:go!

About me:
Well its my Birthday September 7th and I start college on the same day doing an ICT Scripting, animating and graphics and video editing course, im quite a funny and sarcastic guy so im perfect for comedy reasons, just check out my Football Manager 2015 Series on my channel and you may like it i'll leave it down to you!

My only requirements is that you have a half decent mic, and skype and you dont have a squeaky voice!

Games i play:
Football Manager 2015

Cry of Fear- My solo series

Garrys Mod- I play it solo atm but in need of Friends to make it more enjoyable

CS:GO- I play it solo atm but in need of Friends to make it more enjoyable

Unturned- haven't played in a while as i needed friends to play with as its boring on you're own.

Robox- Only just downloaded it the other week, its tons of fun, i played the titanic survival map and it was a bunch of fun but also needed friends to make it more enjoyable!
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Hey man I have Gmod and Unturned (Obviously because Unturned is free).

I was actually looking for some extra ppl to play with. Im in the US and im 16 til April 11th

I have Skype and Curse Skype is : KoolJ1999 and my Curse is: SoupG, add me and we could talk later!
I actually have H1Z1 and Minecraft but haven't played H1Z1 much and would like to get into it some more, Mind if I add you Kolapo00?
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