Gaming [PC] Gaming Collaboration

Skype: Rozcoe AKA John.

100+ subs

Age: 20

I play Rocket league, minecraft, gmod and a few other games as well. I'm looking for people to play with and collab.
Skype: Rozcoe AKA John.

100+ subs

Age: 20

I play Rocket league, minecraft, gmod and a few other games as well. I'm looking for people to play with and collab.
hey, i added you on skype, im looking for a collab on minecraft.
hey im 21 iv been trying to get people to collab with for the last like year and a half or so and everyone keeps bailing so im hoping you guys are awesome and we work well together my skype i believe is xgamedude77 and the name should show up as Greed with a gold coin as the picture
I am interested in collab. Though I not sure if it is alright as I only upload my videos on the weekends. I also live Singapore so time wise I am not sure if it is good. and I am 19. My skype is ZaxTheNoob | Just a Name with the catgirl picture (i believe there's 2 cos of my old account)
Hi, my name is Daniela,
Add me on skype: thegam3rs_youtube

I try to make time to play/record/edit.

I recently started my channel about a year ago . I uploaded about yesterday.

I try to edit and upload as much as i can since school is tough.

Anyways send me back.

(Linking my channel when you add me on skype so you can check it out brcause link below doesnt work)
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