Part 1 always gets the most views?

I think there are a lot of reasons for this. First off some people just straight up don't want to watch an entire series so they watch the first one and then they are out. Then there are the people that just eventually get bored with the series or just want to watch something else. Every time they go to the next episode in the series that suggested video list has a whole new selection to draw them away with. If they're anything like me when they see a video is part of a series they will go watch episode one first and then again eventually stop watching at some point. Then of course there is the fact that episode one gets more views by having the most views, it's the first one out, gets the most views, and ends up as the most common video from the series to show up in searches.

I'm sure there are even more reasons you could think of as to why this happens, and yes pretty much every series I see on YouTube is like that.
I noticed this with my old vlogs. I had to split one episode up into three different parts one time, and I got more views on part one than the other two. I guess it is that people just don't have patience/lose interest.
This happened to one of my videos (5 years ago), it was a performance of a classical sonata and even today I'm not completely sure of the "exact" cause for it, but hey the more views, the merrier :p
A possible cause must be the viewer bias/series bias, by this I mean the people often click the videos at the "beginning of the series" due to testing the waters and just by default, there isn't really a good reason behind, I suppose it is just audience nature lol.
Its quite normal for all youtubers even the really big ones, episode one will be HUGE and then after that it becomes pointless accept to those who are gripped by it which is often less than 50% of the viewers of the first. Trust me it happens sadly.
The longer it is the less view you get ! Well sometime for no reason an episode gets a lot of views ! For let's play video, be sure to put introduction/prologue into the title and End/conclusion into the last part !

It will be the two video with the better rate of views !
How do you usually end each episode in the series? Since it seems that you are losing viewers after part 1, the next time you start off a new series, try to end the first part as a cliffhanger. Think of all the movies and tv shows that sucks you in and at the end of the episode or movie, you're left wanting more because you want to know what happens. For you, if you're doing a LP for a game, try to end the video with a tease about the next boss you're just about to fight. Or at the very least have something for the viewers to look forward to as soon as part 2 of your series is available. I hope this helps.
I think this is very true
Happens to everyone I guess... I try to make the part not too long cause I know nobody will sit in front of the screen for 45 minutes to watch one of my videos. It could also be because of the presentation but you can improve that. It just takes time. YouTube is time consuming.