Paid advertisement.

Yes I am, I just have to check a box that says "I have in video advertisement".
I am actually considering to go into a partnership with a local camera shop, that also has an internet shop, that they lent me camera gear and I do reviews on it.
In exchange I would put a banner for a few seconds somewhere in the videos for their internet shop.
Would you say I also have to check the box? Are there any disadvantages in doing this?
Sorry for going a bit off topic but I didn't want to open a new thread since you where already talking about exactly this.
Hey everyone, so recently I set up a deal with a business partner where I do a small advertisement for their website in front of my video. It's like a 5 second advert, and I'm being paid 3 dollars per 1000 views the video gets, 600 dollars up front for each video to cover the first 200,000 views.

Now since I don't have a lot of experience, would you say this is fair pricing? Like obviously I know he's making more profit than me, but naturally I'm just glad that he's able to come out on top as well.

Should I take more/less, and why? For thoose of you with experience, what is considered "normal" for theese type of videos?

@Wreckless Eating @Flammy are the only people I can think of
Tbh bro with your subs and views $3 per 1000 views is way too low, however the fact that you are getting up front $600 to cover the first 200,000 views is nice. I would stay with that deal for about a month or two and as the views and subscribers increase, ask for a better deal. Maybe for $7-10 for every 1000 views and offer to still do the 5 sec intro plus a link to their website in your description.
Tbh bro with your subs and views $3 per 1000 views is way too low, however the fact that you are getting up front $600 to cover the first 200,000 views is nice. I would stay with that deal for about a month or two and as the views and subscribers increase, ask for a better deal. Maybe for $7-10 for every 1000 views and offer to still do the 5 sec intro plus a link to their website in your description.
Well the thing is noone would agree to that offer.[DOUBLEPOST=1393075301,1393075265][/DOUBLEPOST]
I am actually considering to go into a partnership with a local camera shop, that also has an internet shop, that they lent me camera gear and I do reviews on it.
In exchange I would put a banner for a few seconds somewhere in the videos for their internet shop.
Would you say I also have to check the box? Are there any disadvantages in doing this?
Sorry for going a bit off topic but I didn't want to open a new thread since you where already talking about exactly this.
(big plot twist massive secret: I don't actually check the box)