Gaming OVERWATCH ps4 collab!


Well-Known Member
Hey there i'm looking for people to play overwatch with on the ps4!

things you need !
- ps4
- overwatch
- skype
- good mic
- at least 16 and over

Thanks already for reading :p
I have a Razer Headset with a mic, i think it's good. I am working with getting my voice in the videos, i just struggle a little bit with transfering it over. But i will fix it shortly
I have a Razer Headset with a mic, i think it's good. I am working with getting my voice in the videos, i just struggle a little bit with transfering it over. But i will fix it shortly
okay can i get your skype? so that i can hear you and everything, this is going to be new for me two because i never did a collab before :p