OVERWATCH IS GAY (totally not clickbait)


I Love YTtalk
So, theres a trend on Tumblr, in every fandom but especially in the overwatch fandom, where people hate on heterosexual ships yet worship, and almost fetishize, homosexual ships. Let's talk about some of the arguments against straight ships and why Tumblrs logic of saying "everyone is gay" so gay/lesbian people have more representation is actually extremely harmful to the LGBT community, specifically the Bi/Pansexual members of the community.
Thanks for taking some time out of your day to check out this thread and my video! If you liked the video you might as well leave a like and if you wanna talk more about how Tumblr's logic is trash leave a comment and lets talk about it!
That clickbait title, comone Justine you're better than that...wait are you? :p
nah give me clickbait or give me death, I could be worse though and be like those channels that offer nudes or a sextape at 1 mill.
Which reminds me, I've wanted to talk about that for awhile but never got around to it rip