Overall growth guide for new/small channels.

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Spectacular guide! I'm part of the 87% by the way, on the bright side I had a big increase in views after posting one of my videos to Reddit, it helped me so much. I'll remember to look back on this guide for more references :)
I remember getting my first 10 subs and I was so happy, haha!

Now I am so close to 400... it's crazy :D

(I just want to hit that number though now!!!haha!)

I think another important thing to remember is regular uploads. I'm terrible with uploading regulary because well... I have to juggle a job and uni, but the main reason I've lost subs is because I haven't uploaded regularly D:

Going to gatherings (if you can). Livestreams and being active on other social media can be really helpful :)

But always remember to have an upload schedule, it's so important!
Very good guide! I would also add for the 0-100 section that finding people who do the same thing in common through forums like this is a good way to start as well, especially for chatting to people and getting help. I've only got 4 subscribers, but I only found this website last night and yesterday I had 0 subscribers and no where for anyone to find me because my twitter following is rather small.
Damn the 0-100 stage! :P hehe But thanks this has helped and given me some ideas ^_^ currently 3 videos and 6 subscribers so still a ways to go yet XD