Outro design...

Carl Hinton

Loving The Gameplay
Hey guys, I could use a sounding board for my outro design. Specifically on the text.

I'm thinking of keeping it lighthearted to be honest, but I have two lines to think up, one on top of the other. My first thought was

'Click Subscribe'
'Save a Kitten!'

Then I thought maybe

'Click Subscribe'
'It helps the Environment'

But that one sucks!
I might try

'Click Subscribe'
'Or the Wife will beat me!'

Any thoughts? :)
I also like the environment one or go with the "My wife beats me" one, a sense of humor always makes people want to subscribe to you.
thanks guys, ill have a think about it. I don't want to mention it to the wife coz I will be flogged :)
I prefer either the 'Save a kitten' or 'or my wife beats me'
Sense of humor seems to be an important thing :)
would you make it so that you could change it all the time? Because that would be quite interesting to see what you'd come up with next :)
I prefer either the 'Save a kitten' or 'or my wife beats me'
Sense of humor seems to be an important thing :)
would you make it so that you could change it all the time? Because that would be quite interesting to see what you'd come up with next :)

hmm thanks for that idea, I'll give it some thought :)