Other Open for Collaborations

Hi guys so I'm pretty new to youtube and would like to be a part of a collaboration.
I am pretty opinionated, own a ps3, love movies, doctor who, anime, manga, reading, and would be up for any kind of collab to be brutally honest.
I currently have 31 subscribers (I know its not a lot) however I can commit to making a video every week and would love to get to know youtubers with similar interests.

Thanks for taking the time to read this :) x
You sound pretty cool. What kind of games and anime are you into? Maybe after the holiday rush I can think of something.
Well gaming wise I own a Ps3, I love adventure games like Devil May Cry, Prince of Persia, Uncharted, Bayonetta (for the gameplay not the fanservice) etc etc I am currently playing Assassins Creed II to see what the hype is about :P
Umm anime's well I love Death Note, Code Geass, Himitsu the Revelation, FMA, Ouran High, I read manga's alot more because the psychological stuff is alot more nitty gritty like Akumetsu omg thats amazing
What are you in to?
And coolbeans it would be great to collab :)
Well gaming wise I own a Ps3, I love adventure games like Devil May Cry, Prince of Persia, Uncharted, Bayonetta (for the gameplay not the fanservice) etc etc I am currently playing Assassins Creed II to see what the hype is about :p
Umm anime's well I love Death Note, Code Geass, Himitsu the Revelation, FMA, Ouran High, I read manga's alot more because the psychological stuff is alot more nitty gritty like Akumetsu omg thats amazing
What are you in to?
And coolbeans it would be great to collab :)
wow someone else that knows about Akumetsu. THAT would be interesting to collab on. I have to re-read a bit of it though since I haven't read about it in a long time.
as far as I know, it was never translated into english? I read it off one of those fansub sites. I'm not sure if it was ever released in the states?
Yeh it wasn't, I read it off onemanga (back when it was still alive), I don't think it ever will be released into the states/Uk since the Mangaka got into severe trouble for using real political figures and examples for the manga :P