One high-tier tip

The Gamer Musician

Loving YTtalk
This may come as a complete surprise to all of you, but one thing I see as useful is to follow the trends of what's popular... wow...
Wait, let me finish. So what I mean specifically is to be specific.
As an example, I'll use my own channel, which has grown 20 subs in 2 weeks, and has had its firat video pass 1k views.
I mainly cover Zelda stuff recently, so of course I'll be doing Breath of the Wild videos, what with all the E3 news and demos.
So, not only do I make Breath of the Wild videos, but I also make the specific BotW video that is being most searched (beyond actual gameplay, as I wasnt at E3), the timeline theory (which, coincidentally is the over 1k views vid, with the next best being under 500)
Of course, it was a coincidence for me, as I made the theory because... well... I had a cool theory... but the point still stands.

Tl;dr: See what's popular in your exact field, and try and cover that info/ topic.