Oldest video that’s never been watched?


I've got a yen for being in Japan!
i wonder sometimes about the early days of YouTube and wonder if there’s any videos out there 10 years or older with super low views, maybe even zero? I guess there’s no way to know because if someone points out “hey this video hid out for a decade” it would get views and not be unwatched anymore.
Im sure it wouldnt be too difficult to knock out a script or programme that would filter through youtube videos by the oldest uploaded with the lowest views...though quite why someone would go to the trouble of implementing it and also whether youtube would take kindly to it would be anyones guess...personally I dont think there are any videos from 2006 with less than 100 views. there might be some from 2008/2009 with under 100 but there have been too many seismic changes in how youtube operates and the rise of the "Low view" hunters to allow for any earlier than that to be that low in views...
I’m not really sure, it’s possible but there wasn’t a lot of YouTubers in early stage of YouTube like there is now, so it’s probably not as likely like it is now. Since there’s so many YouTube channel now in 2017 and over a thousand of them have over 1 million subscribers I bet there is video out there with 0 views but probably not from 2008 or 2009.