Old unboxing channel?


New Member
I'm trying to find an old unboxing channel I used to love watching. I forgot about it for years but it suddenly popped into my head but I can't remember the name. It was a guy with an accent (British I think), and he never appeared on camera (although I think as his channel grew he starting being on camera), all you ever saw was his couch and hands, and he would unbox stuff, and show weird things, sometimes he burned stuff too (I could be way off but I think he burned a smurf toy one time). Can't remember but I think he cussed in his videos too. I'm pretty sure his channel name started with an "a" and was one word. That's all I can remember, and that he might have been one of the first unboxing channels. Not even sure if he's still around or if he changed his channel name but if anyone knows, please let me know. I'd love to watch his videos again.
... do you mean Ashens? If so he's 100% still around. Even made a feature film. Also has a collab channel with Barry Lewis called Barshens which is great.