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HATERS=can **** Off,Lovers = Are Amazing!
I can understand that one for sure! It´s much better than calling everyone a small time YouTuber compared your great big status!
(I know I should not be hating like this Michael, I´m sorry)

This is the internet so it´s all public. I post this because this is NOT what the community is about (as far as I can see)
How Dare You f*****g Say Things Like That On My f*****g Thread On YTtalk,f**k YOU.Whats The f*****g POINT!!Hahah Its Funny Cos Your Ginger!!!!GINGER PUBES!!!!!!!!!!!
Haha Says You That Called Me A ******** Haha
I called you a d**k. Learn to read, write and act like a human being who really does care about others!

Thanks for the dislikes and views on my channel Callum *bows to the emperor of YouTube*

There is a pure "I am better than you" attitude from Callum which is destructive to the community in my opinion.

No more from me, in the words of himself "Hater can f**k off"... So I guess he can GTFO for hating on me :D


I have decided to close this as the threads no longer productive and has took a turn for the worse. As a reminder guys please keep any arguing away from the forums, I suggest that you both dont contact each other on YouTube, perhaps even block one another just to put an end to this and ignore each others posts, they will be hidden in threads as you view them whilst logged in. I dont want to see any more insulting one another like this on here in any other threads nor any messages that shouldn't really be on here as from the perspective of anyone coming across this thread, it just isnt very welcoming at all.
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