Other New Series On My Channel! Want to be featured?

Jordan Levy

Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, up until this point on my channel I have done mostly videos around music, but I wanted to try something new. I am starting a new series where I give someone one word, and they explain what it means to them, how it makes them feel, and how this word relates back to their life experiences etc. The goal of this series is to send a message showing that even though we are all living in the same world, everyone goes through different things and one word can mean so many things to so many people.

So with that being said, I am looking for people who have a good camera and audio, and is just willing to be a part of it!

The topic for the first video is success. So if you feel you can provide good insight about this or it relates to your life, then let me know!

If you are interested, email me at jordanlevymusic@gmail.com

Can't wait to hear from you guys!
I just sent you an email. I'm very interested in this idea you have proposed. I have a decent headset and webcam and know how to work it, so I would be more than willing to make an appearance. :)
Thats a really good idea. I could see it taking off, you're right definitions of terms wildly vary person to person.