New Direction for my channel! Your views?


I've Got It
Hey everyone!

I'm really enjoying making videos but I think I'm giving the wrong impression to people especially with my latest video which I took down. I just want to act and make funny Youtube videos I don't want people to be drawn to the wrong bits so I've decided to rehash my channel a bit and change some of the content!

First I've done the new background which is just a picture of me split in half, but I'm hopefully going to have some art stuff around it also, the other thing is im wanting my videos to be... well more 'guyish' so that I don't have a solo female fanbase heh (if you can call it that at 20 subscribers xD).

I'd really appreciate any honest comments about the style of my videos and channel, what you like, what you don't.

Either late tonight or tomorrow I will have a new video out in a slightly different style still just as fun but just 'differant' from my usual videos and I'd REALLY appreciate you saying if you think its a better direction to be going in.

Thanks for reading.

Here's my channel:

And of course if you like what you see please subscribe, like, comment etc, first off. I'd say the split screen picture would be nice, but I think you should spend some more time tweaking it until it contours properly to your page. The white bars in between look a bit tacky and like you didn't really too hard to get it right. That's the only criticism on the channel itself.

Onto the video! I watched "The Surprise." And I must say, unfortunately, that I saw the surprise coming...and since it was essentially nothing, it leaves me to wonder what the entire point of the video was in the first place. The first 40 seconds left me confused and unsure of what I was watching. Was that an intro? If so...40 seconds is WAAAAY too long. As for the actual meat in the video, I found it kind of flat and empty. I always say this to the people I review, but I think it works every time. Always look at your script (or your vlog if you just do a video of JUST talking) and ask yourself "If I were just some random joe surfing the internet and I stumbled on this video...would I watch the entire thing? If the answer is anything other than an astounding "yes," it's probably wise not to post it and go back to the drawing board.

I understand that everyone needs to grow and whatnot, but one bad video can have a very harsh backlash on your potential audience. Let's say you strike gold and get a viral video. Most people will check out your other work before considering subscribing...if they stumble upon your worse video, they'll chalk you up as a one hit wonder and you'll never see them again. But I"m going on a tangent...

What I liked:

I liked the idea of the picture on your channel page, you just need to fix it.
The surprise had the potential to be funny.

What I didn't like:

Like I said with the channel should be fixed.
While The Surprise had potential, I think the execution was handled a little poorly. A wise youtuber once said "Make your videos as long as your content (or material)." Your video was basically a one punch joke...why did it need to be three minutes? These are things you want to ask yourself when you're editing. What's necessary, what can or can't be taken out. If you watch a scene and you aren't sure if it's funny or not, chances are it probably isn't...and if it doesn't hurt your plot to omit it, consider doing so. Your nemesis felt a bit rambly and silly to me...which isn't always a bad thing, but I felt you didn't know what to do with him, so you just had him laugh and giggle and say "surprise" every once in awhile. I feel like the countdown didn't work. And you kept moving in and out of the frame. I think you should be more careful when filming, and when you see that you messed up, refilm it. Your audience will appreciate it.

But hey, that's just my two cents...take with it what you will.
Thanks! I really appreciate the feedback. I'm working on improving and already took down a few videos (mainly just video blogs), I'll continue to fine tune my channel and try and take on board some of your tips and try and improve in my next video! The surprise as a video was really just a response to someone bringing me down about making videos anyway so it was a 'quick job' as it were, but I understand what you mean as far as the Surprise not actually being anything. I felt the countdown was actually the best bit of the video myself, but thats just difference in opinion.

I wont be able to update or post a video today I think because its my parents anniversary but I'll think of my next video idea and go from there hopefully improving on what you said. :)

Like I say I am glad you responded as I'm wanting my channel to appeal to more viewers and while I'm pleased with some of my content there's always room to improve, and videos like my 'How to prepare for a date' for example I felt was a good standard in terms of acting and storyline so I'll try and progress from that.

Thanks again, Sean. :)