New design!

Ah ok. *FacePalm* I kinda thought it was from the game, but then I was like, ya know, it IS Pearl we are talking about here. Still very cool though! The text is awesome.
Thank you so much! :D



Banner looks good! :D

Very cool banner! But i'm not too fond of the avatar. With your talent i think you could do something very unique that would benefit you more than a picture of FemShepard. Maybe that's just an idea but since your name is Pearl could i suggest you base your design along a real Pearl (as in the Jewel) Maybe having a pearl necklace or an item with the pearl color? Something that would bring out a subconscious reminder. Good job overall :D
Very cool banner! But i'm not too fond of the avatar. With your talent i think you could do something very unique that would benefit you more than a picture of FemShepard. Maybe that's just an idea but since your name is Pearl could i suggest you base your design along a real Pearl (as in the Jewel) Maybe having a pearl necklace or an item with the pearl color? Something that would bring out a subconscious reminder. Good job overall :D
Well, I am simply in love with my avatar. And why shouldn't I have FemShepard when I gonna focus on the Mass Effect series the next weeks?

And thanks for the constructive critisism! And thanks for compliment!
It's not that you shouldnt have her and if you like her that much you can keep her i was suggesting for an alternative ^^ I think you're really talented so going for something more creative would be more interesting, but it's not bad :)