Negative Comments... Leave Them Up or Take Them Down?

When a viewers posts negative comments, not just about your vid, but about YOU personally, do you leave them up, or take them down?

My channel is tiny compared to yours and I haven't had to deal with that. I suppose it would depend on the actual comment. Are they being somewhat constructive or are they just being a jerk? I definitely don't think there's any point in getting into a flame war with them so my advice is to either reply with an overly nice post or just ban 'em.
When a viewers posts negative comments, not just about your vid, but about YOU personally, do you leave them up, or take them down?
The second the comment strays from the subject matter of the video, and is negative, you should consider removing it. If it is not improving the video experience, then no use for it to be there.

I have had some people, not exactly thrilled with "men" jokes so they came on and attacked a bunch of my videos and me. I did report them and flagged the comments. Within a day they were all gone and when I looked for the user's, they were also gone. So kudos to Youtube for being quick and definitive with that kind of thing. Mind you that happened 3 years ago.
If it's just negative and not super mean and trolly, leave it up. Having non-believers on your channel is actually good because it strengthens the community of people that are there to stand up for you.
this makes sense, it's good to hear negatives from viewers but these should stay on topic & not be violent/insulting/threatening
not just about your vid, but about YOU personally, do you leave them up, or take them down?
I had to remove & report a user before - but it was clearly insulting while being unrelated to channel/topic, I think if it's topic related negative response then it can stay there - hopefully it reveals somethings you have missed or made mistake about which is good news since you will learn from it (I make plenty of mistakes as camera gear testing is complex, I even try asking viewers to comment if they notice an error)
For me it depends on what they say. I have a HUGE comment filter, so most bad comments get filtered out automatically. If it is constructive criticism I will certainly leave it. If it is just 'you are ugly and your mother dresses you funny' kind of stuff, I tend to delete it. If they are not contributing to the conversation, I have no time to waste on them. It takes very little for me to block a user. If they say anything bad about my wife - instant block.