(Email Them To ASAP.
(News Reporter Tone Of Voice.)
- Take a 4 second break then do the next line.
- Do each line two times.
- Record With Your Highest Quality
1. The Dead bodies of young missing teenagers have been found.
2. Tiffany Cooli has been found dead and police believe this maybe the act of a satanic cult.
3. Pentagrams carved within the victims bodies. Sounds to me like a modern case of Charles Manson.
4. No suspect in police custody.
5. If you have any information please contact the east coast law enforcement.
6. There has been several cases in a short period of time.
7. Young teenage male, Dolla Deem, Azstro Boii & Guy Murph remain missing!
8. The body of Tiffany Cooli has been found.
9. Police have found a male nude body pronounced dead at the scene.
10. Autopsy report has confirmed that the body belongs to missing teen Ben Bowen.
(These voice over will be used during my upcoming short film "The Cypher". When you email me your MP3. File make sure to give me your name, so
I can credit you during post production.)
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I could do one