My new YT partner background


Active Member
So... I just finished my youtube partner background for my channel. I've been spending a lot of time in photoshop the past week and online watching tutorials. I think it turned out pretty good. There are some minor changes I need to make here and there and I don't like the social icon text because I think it's difficult to read but overall I'm pleased with how it turned out.

Let me know what you think, or I'm open to suggestions if you guys have any ideas on how to make it better. (You can see it live on my channel with the main content section intact it covers some of the middle area)

View attachment 1775
hmm . quite good but you could edit on more of the lightings , like adding a flare and the thunderbolts doesnt suite the renders , you could replace the thunderbolts into smokes , gun fires , explosion , etc . but your BG is quite nice
hmm . quite good but you could edit on more of the lightings , like adding a flare and the thunderbolts doesnt suite the renders , you could replace the thunderbolts into smokes , gun fires , explosion , etc . but your BG is quite nice
I completely agree on the lightning... Initially I wanted to make the earthquake area look like bullet holes, like someone had shot through the upper background area and revealed the background. I like your idea for using explosions, etc... I am relatively new to photoshop so I will play around and watch some tutorials to see what I can come up with.
That looks really good. I would make "Subscribe to" a little smaller, but otherwise it's a really striking composition.
Yeah I rendered that entire text at the same time in the 3D area, I imagine I could break it up into 2 text objects and make the subscribe to text smaller, I agree that it's too large.
I think it's pretty good! i agree to smaller a bit the subscribe to and the social icons are ok
Thanks for the input.