My experience with Fullscreen

I am pretty sure they are letting anyone join now. As FUllscren is a business, the more people they have the more money they make...
As long as you have a decent amount of videos
I have also been thinking about joining a partner-network but people told me in my ''niche'' it's not so good and also because I'm from the Netherlands..
So do they pay more then adsense in overall?
Would love to try a network with another channel I'm planning to make in the future. Which isn't only for my country.
I applied, but they just haven't replied back to me. I applied 2 weeks ago with no response and then at the beginning of this week with no response so far and couldn't find an email address on their site to contact.

Thank you for submitting! I’m afraid you do not qualify for a Creator X partnership at this time. We generally only consider channels with a track record of significant growth and views, a high views-to-subscriber ratio, an actively engaged audience that comments and rates positively, exceptionally high production values and unique content, and an actively growing channel that has a history of consistently releasing new content utilizing your own uploaded videos as content to gain views/subscribers.

Please consider submitting again in the future!


Sam Kimbrell

Yeah Fullscreen is my ideal partnership, I'll apply soon even if I'm not that big of a channel :P