My Channel is Stuck!


Active Member
Hey guys and gals,
So long story to short, I have been stuck with 117 subscribers for the longest time now. There will be some situations where I get 118 or 119 but I always go back to 117. It sucks because I get excited for nothing.

If you don't mind, please give an opinion about my channel and tell me what I can improve on or what I should do to gain an audience. I will take any advice into consideration and any advice is much obliged. Thank You!
Just checked out your channel, and TBH, it kind of looks like you do sub4sub. 117 Subscribers yet you get around 15-20 views a video. I would also get a HD banner, because your current banner is kind of low quality. :) Hope I could help!
Almost that the same thing that Inferno Ace said:
Just checked out your channel, and TBH, it kind of looks like you do sub4sub. 117 Subscribers yet you get around 15-20 views a video. I would also get a HD banner, because your current banner is kind of low quality. :) Hope I could help!
Your channel doesn't look like it has almost 120 subs. You barley get any views on your videos.

Quality over quantity is my only real tip. Videos with more effort put into them will attract more new viewers.