My Adsense was disabled... What now?


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So a few months back I got an Adsense account so I could earn money from my videos. It was all going fine and dandy until BAM! Partnership disabled. Youtube out of nowhere disabled my Adsense (When I say out of nowhere I mean it... I got banned from "Invalid clicking", saying that I was clicking my own ads for more money. I was not doing this, and my stats showed nothing unusual.) I sent in an appeal, professionally written, and I explained myself best I could. Still, they didn't let me back in.
My channel has a reasonable amount of subs, so I don't want to make a new one... But now I have lost my custom thumbnail option, and all other partner features. I have tried calling Youtube and every other form of contact, I have not gotten any response.
I have also tried partnering with other Youtube sites such as AwesomenessTV, but they wont take me because my Adsense was disabled. ARGH! So much respect lost for Google and their support team.

Whew that was dramatic... But the point of this is asking what can I do? Is there ANY way I can get my partnership back? Or at least the custom thumbnail option? Haha that is really the only thing I want back xD Oh, and it was disabled about 2 months ago, but I am still fighting for it. :)
That sounds tough, hope you get a reply from them soon. I can't offer any suggestions I'm afraid, although someone else on here might know more...
You have to talk to Adsense, not to YouTube if your Adsense got disabled. But most of the time that will not help. Making a new YouTube account won't help either, since, like I said, it's Adsense not YouTube and once you're banned on Adsense, your banned for good.
You have to talk to Adsense, not to YouTube if your Adsense got disabled. But most of the time that will not help. Making a new YouTube account won't help either, since, like I said, it's Adsense not YouTube and once you're banned on Adsense, your banned for good.

Oh believe me, I have contacted just about every Adsense related email address I could find! Really my only reason for wanting a partnership back is so I can have custom thumbnails... Haha. Money is not the reason I do Youtube ^_^
Oh believe me, I have contacted just about every Adsense related email address I could find! Really my only reason for wanting a partnership back is so I can have custom thumbnails... Haha. Money is not the reason I do Youtube ^_^

Yeah, but the thumbs are tied to the monetization, so you would need to get that back to get your thumbs back, and once Adsense kicks you out, for whatever reason, you're pretty much screwed. You don't get back in, you can't make a new account with them, you're just out. Your only hope would be dating someone at Adsense, or hoping that YouTube gives custom thumbs to everyone some day, which I don't believe will happen, cause they want to encourage people to monetize.
I believe once you are banned from AdSense your relationship with Google is over.. Don't they include a clause that states you can never make another AdSense account?
Shame someone in your household was clicking on your advertisements, but as someone who pays for AdWords i'm glad Google catches this.
I believe once you are banned from AdSense your relationship with Google is over.. Don't they include a clause that states you can never make another AdSense account?
Shame someone in your household was clicking on your advertisements, but as someone who pays for AdWords i'm glad Google catches this.

Yes I know very well, its been a few months since it was banned, I practically memorized every form possible XD
Oh believe me they weren't, and I have checked all of my stats and the ONLY thing that seemed suspicious was clicking from a very strange sounding site that I have never heard of. I can't even enter the site because apparently it doesn't exist. Something called null.reffer.cta. Yeah... I have no idea.
Yes I know very well, its been a few months since it was banned, I practically memorized every form possible XD
Oh believe me they weren't, and I have checked all of my stats and the ONLY thing that seemed suspicious was clicking from a very strange sounding site that I have never heard of. I can't even enter the site because apparently it doesn't exist. Something called null.reffer.cta. Yeah... I have no idea.

Is there not google AdSense live staff you can contact?
I'm partnered with fullscreen (no adsense) but I know with AdWords I can get a live person on Google Talk in about 2 minutes, 24/7