
I've Got It
how do you stay motivated to make videos? I feel I have a bunch of ideas all at once so I make a bunch of videos and it’s great! But then I go through almost a dry spell I guess. Where I don’t get anything and don’t film anything. How do you have that be constant...? I’m worried I’ll become too inconsistent and lose a following.
I believe motivation is your worst enemy. I know, people say you gotta be motivated. But, in my opinion, you gotta be disciplined... At the end of the day, you cannot stay motivated every single day, it's not human and almost impossible.
It's like going to the gym, yes, you are motivated at first but the reason you keep going is discipline, because some days you don't really wanna go and lift weights, but if you are disciplined enough to go through it, you know you'll keep doing it for weeks, months, and years.

Also, creativity can honestly go away... try to do fun things, go out, and maybe from seeing something you'll get an idea. From there, write it down and think of something to make it entertaining.

There is a lot of things you can do, but you gotta be disciplined to be able to stay consistent. It's not motivation, but willpower!
Yeah, definitely focus on discipline. I have been doing this for 5 years and my lack of discipline has caused me to stall again and again. Just stay on it and try to put yourself out there without spamming people and do it all on a regular, consistent basis.
I'd suggest either watch a lot of different videos, read tons of books, or something. Experience a diverse amount of things, even if they aren't related to your channel, you can get motivated by a lot of random things. I'd say the best way to get inspiration, is to have experience a wide range of things all the time, you might get inspiration from the way a video is portrayed or the format and how the video looks or feels. You might get inspiration for the content, or style of the video.
I'm always motivated to make a video. I'm not uploading on a regular basis, only when I've been on a cool trip, holiday and stuff, which I think is worth the filming. So it's always a nice memory of things I experienced and that keeps me motivated to make my videos.
If you're not feeling like making a video or run out of ideas, do completely different stuff. Inspiration ( and with that the motivation) will come back.