Vlog Monthly Collaboration video


The nerdy guy in the cool hat!
If you have seen my “Be Different” collaboration video you know I love working with other talented content creators, if you have not seen it I would highly recommend it. I want to do more videos like this but in a smaller scale, once a month I will have a topic and I will cut together five people (one of them being me) talking about this topic. These topics could be funny, introspective, theological, or totally random.

I don’t want to post a list here every month when I want to make one of these videos. I would like to create a mailing list of people to collaborate with and each month I will send out an email with the subject for that month’s video. Everyone who wants can send in a video but I will only pick the five that go the best together so some months you may make a video and it won't featured... sorry.

If you have already done a Collaboration video with me I am already putting you on this list unless you say otherwise.

Who else wants to take part?
I've just watched the "be different" video and I would love to be involved in future videos so please sign me up :)