Matched third party content issue..


Active Member
I uploaded a video last night of the new DMC game came out earlier this year. Its the first mission and full of commentary . It was flagged for matched third party content. What is the best way to handle this? Is there some sort of penalty for a dispute if I lose the dispute? I have read up on a lot of issues with this so I just don't screw up my channel. Any have experience with this?
You can't dispute it on a gaming video, because the footage isn't yours. You either have to accept it, or delete the video.

There are certain game devs who always content match gaming videos, no matter how much they abide by the rules.
Thanks for the info. If I accept it, could that hurt my chances in joining a network in the future?
If you don't want to end up with a DCMA take down after multiple disputes, then just leave it or delete it.
There's nothing else you can really do.[DOUBLEPOST=1373890999,1373890972][/DOUBLEPOST]
Thanks for the info. If I accept it, could that hurt my chances in joining a network in the future?
You'll probably be asked to take down the content ID matched videos when you join a network
Thanks for the info. If I accept it, could that hurt my chances in joining a network in the future?

No I don't think it will, but you DO risk a future copyright strike (they can choose to switch it from claim to strike at any moment) which will impede your channel massively.

Really, it's better to just remove the video, you will gain no benefit from it remaining up :(
Well that stinks. Oh well need find a different game to do commentary on. I thought it was a really good commentary video too. On a scale of 1-10 I thought it would of been a 1. Then after I did the video, I was like whoa this is a strong 4 on that scale. Thanks for the help guys.
Sorry about this issue this is why i stay away from major gaming and decided not to do that on my channel:cool:
It's a problem you can't really do anything about I'm afraid.

Some developers do not allow monetization of their content and tend to claim it so they can earn money off it themselves. For the future, it's best to do your research into the developers and whether they will allow you to monetize or not. Some developers like Valve have a video policy stating that you can monetize your video with their gameplay under a certain condition, others may have a form of legal document to sign.
Just curious, what happens if you dispute and lose the dispute? does that count as a copyright strike?
Let`s start with the most important of everything at all:

By whome was the Video or if it were more then one Flagged? By the Developer itself or a Company like from AdRev Publishing?!