symphonious I am sure your a nice guy but I am going to tell you something. When I posted this to the promotions forum I did a double take when I read your post I had thought I misposted this in the reviews forum. The reality is you dont like these things you like to make vlogs and sing songs that is *your* thing. No one here is a professional if they were they would not be here. You need to possibly tone down your rants when you review things. I saw you think what was basically a male sexist thread pinned at the top of the forum utterly hilarious. This is simply the reverse.
Next you know how to sing and that is nice because I can't but try not tearing apart the community because eventually its going to backfire. My videos are good. My voice is not the best for voice acting but it was a 1 minute short that is the nature of the video it was designed to be only 1 minute long. There is a group of people who make 26 second long videos they are known for making SHORT videos and try to be funny at the same time.
I saw a guy who was seriously offended by what was simply the reverse of what he thought was hilarious and I always manage to reel one guy in with it and I have to say that everytime it happens it gives me a chuckle. So here is a piece of advice from an "old lady" who is likely old enough to be your mom. Be a little less serious this is not the review forum.
Maybe take your hands off the keyboard once and awhile. Your original post was bad and you flamed me for making something which basically if it had been reversed you would have been bent over in stitches. These videos will never be more then 1 minute long because they are not supposed to be they are exactly what the video title on youtube says they are "stupid one line groaners". It simply went over your head like a 747.
so read carefully my next statements and think :
If I had wanted your opinion on the issue I would have posted it in the reviews forum
however you missed the point of the video entirely
Not to mention you have exactly no clue what machinima is and its limitations
Your review only showed me you do not know what your talking about and did not read the title of the video on youtube
There are a lot of videos here which are bad and some are worse then bad. I choose to say nothing sometimes because sometimes the input is not sought. If its not in the review forum you need to be a little nicer and even then you have to learn the art of "tact" which you seriously lack big time.