I Love YTtalk
All gaming videos have to have commentary in order to be monetized. Most networks will not accept you if your videos don't have commentary so if you want to join a network and monetize your videos, you have no choice but to delete all gaming videos without commentary. I had to go through that terrible event myself (i had a video with 10,000 views but no commentary so I deleted it) Also anything else with copyright notices.
oh thats hard, sorry for that its very sad

and there isnt a chance to put them to privat or not listed? Some of them are wierd copyright notices. One of the for just 2 seconds (sword swing sound) that isnt right, or? i could decline then?
but these one with bandai, blizzard, i have to accept or delete? and some are from ea but i have an acceptance explanation from ea so i could decline and say fair use too?