Made $500,000 off a video!

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Ray The Video Guy

Learn YouTube!
Sound crazy? Well, here's what happened. I set up a channel for a client that sells MMA training gear and SEO'd (some of) the videos. A guy found the video and asked me a question about the product in a comment. I responded to the comment. Then he sent a message to me about the product, which I answered. Next he sent a message asking about UK/European distribution, and I provided him with the info and a contact. The guy then set up a $50,000 per month order for product distribution, which will equal about $600,000 for this year!

On a side note, the videos have become their biggest online traffic source, and their online sales are up 1300%!
Ok... well... that leaves me one question. HOW DO I GET IN ON THIS DEAL YO??
--- merged: Apr 21, 2012 12:52 AM ---
I was joking when I first said that, then I thought about it, I can make any company a ridiculously cool theme song man... I should think about doing that.
That could be huge. I have a set of royalty free music that I sell to video marketers, and it is my most consistent seller. People know that the days of using a copyrighted song are over. Have you thought about trying to sell short jingles for podcasts on fiverr? I know you would spend more time than the $4 you make, but it could help get exposure and help you build a list. I think there is some good merit to selling custom music! How much would you charge to do a short intro type song for a podcast?
Ha Ha! Yes, I can do that, but they aren't likely to help much as they are usually 'watched' by people running a Firefox plugin, not people really watching (that may help boost the rankings in search a bit).
That could be huge. I have a set of royalty free music that I sell to video marketers, and it is my most consistent seller. People know that the days of using a copyrighted song are over. Have you thought about trying to sell short jingles for podcasts on fiverr? I know you would spend more time than the $4 you make, but it could help get exposure and help you build a list. I think there is some good merit to selling custom music! How much would you charge to do a short intro type song for a podcast?
I don't know about those sites, can you pm me a plan on how I could get started and who I should write jingles for? And you're asking me what I would charge, I know NOTHING about this, if you have a suggestion on what is a reasonable price that would be good, if not I'll just have to do research and see what the usual going rate for a jingle is. But I am more than capable of doing it, if you go to Ray's channel (nottrendingwithgogo) you'll notice that I write a new theme song for his channel every month. So yeah Im super interested in finding a way to do this.
Love it! Great stuff. I would start with this question.... How long does it take you to put together a quick jingle like that? Does it have any out of pocket cost?
Love it! Great stuff. I would start with this question.... How long does it take you to put together a quick jingle like that? Does it have any out of pocket cost?
I could put a jingle together in a few hours usually and have it written and recorded start to finish in like 8 to 10 hours. However just to make sure I don't miss a deadline I'd probably tell people to give me no more than 3 days just to be safe. And my equipment is totally paid for so it costs me nothing.
Well, then I would do one of two things (or both).
Decide what you would want to make for a days work, and that is your price.
The other would be to figure out if theres a way to do a simpler jingle faster and charge a lower price.
I know of podcasters that pay good money for these types jingles.
--- merged: Apr 21, 2012 3:08 AM ---
You may also want to try giving a few out in exchange for the exposure. Can you do different styles?
Well, then I would do one of two things (or both).
Decide what you would want to make for a days work, and that is your price.
The other would be to figure out if theres a way to do a simpler jingle faster and charge a lower price.
I know of podcasters that pay good money for these types jingles.
--- merged: Apr 21, 2012 3:08 AM ---
You may also want to try giving a few out in exchange for the exposure. Can you do different styles?
oh yes, I most certainly can do many styles. Even country though I can't sing in the accent. I guess starting out I'd say 100 bucks for a jingle. That seems fair I think... I hope lol. I'll go to that site and see what I can find! Thanks man!