Hello, I have this new youtube channel where i meet twitch streamers and youtubers in order to interview them and get to know a little about them and to know what content they make online. So i'm looking for any youtuber who would be willing to record himself answering a couple of questions I will give him, then send the video to me so that I can feature him in the next video of my channel. If you would like to know how the video would look like, you can check any video in my channel and that would be a sample of how the video would be.
The youtuber i'm looking for can be doing anything on youtube except "lets play" channels, nothing personal against those channels but I don't personally think that they would be interesting channels to feature and discover in an interview like other channels would.
Of course you will be credited in the video with a link to your channel and I would require from you in return simple things like featuring my channel on your list of related channels or mentioning briefly your participation in my video during one of your videos
If you are willing to collaborate and take part in a future video in my channel please let me know by replying here or sending me a private message or by E-mail.