Looking for ideas on 100 sub special

Triple Res

YouTube Gamer
So we just hit 100 subs and want to do a special video but I am drawing a blank on what to do. So whats some ideas? What did you guys do when you hit 100? thanks guys
Congratulations on reading 100 subs!

I'll admit, my channel isn't about gaming and I myself am not an avid gamer, but just off the top of my head:

- Do a challenge video. Play part of a game under some kind of constraint, such as after eating a hot chilli or drunk.
- Do your favourite vintage game of all time (it looks like you play new games)
- Introduce yourself to your 100 subscribers! Tell us who you are, a little of your history, some of what you believe in!

I hope that helps? Whatever you end up doing, have fun and good luck!
Well since your channel has a lot of streams and gaming videos, it might be worth doing a video mashup of your favourite/funniest moments so far. You could title it something like "the journey so far" or "the best of triple res"
Congrats on 100! If I were you, I would stray from the gaming content for the special and do something unbelievable (but safe). This will really entertain your audience and likely cause them to share the video with their own friends. GO BIG OR GO HOME
Decent ideas for 100 Subscribers:

- Q'n'A/Face Reveal
- Giveaway for 2-3 subs
- Video Compilation of Funny/Angry moments
- Subscriber Game (play with your subs on a game)
- Play a game you know very well......drunk