Gaming Looking for Gaming Collaborators!


Active Member
Hey guys, I'm thinking of starting up a group of people that regularly collab on gaming videos. Any platforms would do as well as games. Let me know if you're interested!!!

Have to be on Discord! Iffy786#2453

- Age, I'm looking for around 15+ but others may be considered.

- Welcome all nationalities as well as genders as I do not discriminate.

I look forward to hearing from you!
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Hey guys, I'm thinking of starting up a group of people that regularly collab on gaming videos. Any platforms would do as well as games. Let me know if you're interested!!!
Need to give a bit more info mate, Though you can always check our First Order Entertainment. We officially relaunch on valentines day and are always looking for new content creators. Not this group is not a lock and and no we don't force you to post on our channel...Groups like that are fakes. Read our footer on this for a way to contact us. We hope to hear from you soon.