Gaming Looking for a vannos type suicide squad hahaha

Hey hows it going, I have had a small break from youtube and am trying to get back into it, but single player games aren't the best things to upload these days unless it FNAF . . . and I am going to do something different with that when I come to it.

Anyway, I am looking for 3+ people that want to play games with me (PC for now cause money issues and I haven't been able to get next gen yet . . . :'( )

Age isn't a concern to me as long as your not annoying and stick to one joke, which isn't that good in the first place, but in saying that I want people that I can talk about really weird stuff with, (e.g. puberty, other youtubers, sex stuff and just overall weird facts about the world, see seananners video on whale semen for example)

If your cool with all that stuff and want to join me you can either Privet message me on youtube (Devil777Hunter) or email me at and I will then get in a skype call with you and we can sort it all out.


P.S your subscriber count dosen't matter to me, so you can just be starting out on youtube and thats fine :D
To answer your question I am 20, Australian and I play just about anything interesting.

Also if you want me to add you on skype tell me what your pic is or some other detail so I know who I am adding, Thanks
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this is forums is mroe for a quick thrown together collab while a vanoss style group is made through knowing each other and knowing how to make each other laugh to make funny videos.