Yeah if you can why not? But most people won't ever be that successful and can spend years wasting their time earning $100 a month rather than going out there and earning $500 a week in a real job.
2 weeks experience? I have 10 years, 7 of it on better wages than I'll likely ever earn through my channel.
I have the experience I am talking about and I know a heck of a lot more than you do, Shane. You're 15 years old, you are still in school and haven't had the chance to get out there in the world. If you put 2 weeks on any CV you'd get laughed out of the building. Most companies want 3 years regardless of job for the most part.
You can do YouTube AND have a job, it's complete ignorance to assume that both can't be done for a while before one of them has to give. And I'm not talking about earning a living in an internet based job, I am talking about YouTube specifically.