Other Looking For A Collab...

just pic a topic and have us all do a discussion on it. For example... um... Batman comics. Have several people ask each other what they like about it, follow a bit of a script and edit it all together so it sounds like we're all having a convo.
I have also been looking for a collab like that, it looks like a lot of fun. You could also host your own collab and get people to audition for it. :)
Woah, now! I don't want to start my own collab. I feel I should be a PART of one first. Get a feel, you know? Then, maybe, see where it goes. I am looking for one to JOIN. Are there any that I could join? Does anyone know?
It's easy and fun dude. A collab also means you only do half the work. Take the plunge and be the one to start it dude. You'll get the feel for it man, garaunteed!