Locked - Channels that use Sports Highlights or Clips -Monetizing

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I notice lately on my YT feed are tons of channels that are basically taking original Sports material from HBO, SHOWTIME, etc and creating small clips as calling them Highlights. And they are monetizing the videos.

Looking further there are tons of Boxing type channels that are using video footage. They have 100,000 or more subscribers and are monetizing.

Is there a guideline to follow if I wanted to start my own channel like this?

Isn't this against the TOS?
It’s not just against tos, but also breaks copyright and trademark law. Channels like this get taken down all the time but they keep on doing it. Bottom line is that as soon as a big sports governing body figures out it can make money by hiring an attorney to sue these channels for damages, there will be a lawsuit filed. It may seem like they’re turning a blind eye to thosecdoing it, but one day it’s going to be like the recording industry and what they did to people using Napster. Don’t steal footage unless you’re willing to pay the price in court
It's a race to cross the $100 payout threshold before they are taken down. The thing is, it's not some dude sitting in his pjs making a channel like this. It's organized crime syndicates who open dummy adsense accounts linked to dummy bank accounts and dummy/stolen tax ids, then open several dozen channels all copies of each other. As long as a few channels get through the payout threshold, the operation is profitable. It's then repeated again.

Unless you have the ability to make dummy bank accounts and tax ids and open associated fake adsense accounts, I would not be doing this in your name. Once your name/address/tax number and all associated info is blacklisted by Google for fraud, Yt and all adsense is game over for life.

Check out this article as one small example from Australia. All that stolen info is used for purposes such as this.
I feel the responses here are accurate however, why do I see tons of Channels that use Movie clips too? For example "John Wick Fighting Scene" and it's just a 3 minute clip of that specific scene of the movie. This is being done by not just random channels but by very popular News channels and also channels doing Reviews. They are using movie footage.

Back to Sports, there are channels out there are doing this every second of every day. With millions of views and tons of subscribers, huge audiences. Here is one example, go to Youtube and type "Top 100 Plays of the '15-16 NBA Season"

Harris Highlights is the Channel, This kid put a copyright disclaimer but he is monetizing anyway and using NBA footage.

I feel the responses here are accurate however, why do I see tons of Channels that use Movie clips too?

...he is monetizing anyway and using NBA footage.

How sure are you that they’re being monetized by the channel and that it’s not claimed by the actual copyright owner who would then be taking all earnings from the video?
So that's it? Annoyed my thread was moved - this is not about copyright. This is about content for Youtube and why other are getting away with it.
So that's it? Annoyed my thread was moved - this is not about copyright. This is about content for Youtube and why other are getting away with it.

It most certainly is about copyright.

Don't bump threads to try and push them back to the top. - You already had plenty of excellent replies but it seems that it wasn't what you wanted to hear. Thread locked.
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