List of Networks and their Requirements

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People think they are partnered with social blade because thats the page they apply on but the network is RPM, it is kind of confusing in some ways I must admit.

Strangely though on the SocialBlade page, some users come up as claimed by RPM, some come up as claimed by SocialBlade, which I find a little odd!
Awesome post! Would love to see a CPM for Networks thread too , doesn't have to be precise as that's very hard , could be like in groups 0.5-2.5 CPM : These networks etc.
Strangely though on the SocialBlade page, some users come up as claimed by RPM, some come up as claimed by SocialBlade, which I find a little odd!

Yeah they don't do anyone favours by doing that, leads to even more confusion :p
Awesome post! Would love to see a CPM for Networks thread too , doesn't have to be precise as that's very hard , could be like in groups 0.5-2.5 CPM : These networks etc.

They vary so much from partner to partner that it would be almost impossible to give an accurate prediction for most networks.
Strangely though on the SocialBlade page, some users come up as claimed by RPM, some come up as claimed by SocialBlade, which I find a little odd!
It`s just what socialblade`s owner called the CMS`s, anyone under the one named "socialblade" is with RPM and anyone in "RPM" is in one of Maker`s out of house networks like Daworldtv, N4Gtv, Prolax etc
Awesome post! Would love to see a CPM for Networks thread too , doesn't have to be precise as that's very hard , could be like in groups 0.5-2.5 CPM : These networks etc.
Yea, But I wouldn`t be able to give accurate info because CPMs fluctuate so much, but I was considering adding what genres these networks cover.
Nice thread but we all know company's can change requirements around whenever they can with or without notice..but joined the actual fullscreen network when I was accepted and they linked my channel with tinygalaxy I'm so confused:(
Just One more thing, for Accuza the minimum requirements are 1000 Subscribers and 75,000 total views, it seems to have changed I think but it's present in their official website.
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