Linking to website problem


YTtalk Mad
I just noticed this problem when trying to add a link to an end card. I have two videos from before where I was able to link to MySite .com /Store. Right now when I try to create a link I can only link to MySite .com and not MySite .com /Store.

I think once February 20th comes I won't be able to link to MySite .com at all.

Has anyone else had problems with linking to their sites lately?

I feel like losing the ability to link to outside sites in videos is going to affect people about as much as losing monetization will.

Edit: Apparently those with the ability to add associated sites will keep that ability. So now I'm more confused on why I'm having trouble linking to my site

Double Edit: I was able to relink the site by going to the Google Search Console and associating the specific page I wanted. Not sure why I could do it before with out that, but problem solved. Feel free to lock this thread.
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