Hey guys my personal Facebook is getting cleared for family and close friends etc so im going to be using my 'fan page' more than my personal one. www.facebook.com/gemmalouisecarline Im always on Facebook so if you want go like me over there and keep in touch with me! :D also if you want me to check out your Facebook as well let me know, its no problem!

Ill have a new Review Video sorted for YTtalkTV soon too!
Take care!

Liked! Hoping you'll do the same for me (link in sig)[DOUBLEPOST=1343247454][/DOUBLEPOST]
did it twice! with my page and my personal account!

Hey Matt, I know I'm not as cute as she is, but how about hookin' me up, too? I will return the favor of course.
No? wait a second, I'm gonna look it

EDIT: Now :D, I didnt clicked it well ^^ thank you very mutch too!!!
Hey guys my personal Facebook is getting cleared for family and close friends etc so im going to be using my 'fan page' more than my personal one. www.facebook.com/gemmalouisecarline Im always on Facebook so if you want go like me over there and keep in touch with me! :D also if you want me to check out your Facebook as well let me know, its no problem!

Ill have a new Review Video sorted for YTtalkTV soon too!
Take care!

Hi Gemma

I already subbed to your channel some days ago :)

Btw I know that for some reason it's harder to have likes on facebook than subs on YT (I got the same problem)

Feel free to chek out my page but just because I liked your it doesn't mean you have to like mine


Peace and love
