Lighting Glare


Well-Known Member
I'm working on a vlog, and this is my first one so I'm making sure it's as awesome as can be. But I made a makeshift set, something that I could get through for one or two uses. The only problem is that my lighting is efficient enough to keep my highlighted during the video, but you can see the glare from it in the video. I had the light beside me, on my right, and a dim light below me so that I could prevent any shadows that may occur.

Any setups that I could use that could prevent glare in the video? I'm using a clamp-on light so its pretty manageable, and a desklight to prevent shadows.

Any help would be fully appreciated!
Try not placing the light directly at the thing that is creating the glare
Currently, I'm using a phone (the Samsung Galaxy SII) to record my videos. So there arent any lens attachments .