Lighting for Product Reviews

Hi Ya'll,

I do product reviews but I find the whole lighting thing difficult. I've got about 4800 lumens over three lamps plus the original room light. However, the video still seems dark. The only thing that works is adjusting the brightness on the camera. The downfall of there though is that the color of the product is not right. Something can be a red but it would appear orange on camera.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to get the right lighting for reviewing small products?

Thanks :)
Right let's rewind over a couple of things. Firstly what sort of camera do you use? Are you familiar with colour temperature and white balance? What sort of settings do you end up using in camera? (Ie. ISO, shutter speed, aperture ect)

And as a direct answer to your question - look at ring lights. They're marketed with your kind of requirements in mind (products, models, close up work ect).

Hi Ya'll,

I do product reviews but I find the whole lighting thing difficult. I've got about 4800 lumens over three lamps plus the original room light. However, the video still seems dark. The only thing that works is adjusting the brightness on the camera. The downfall of there though is that the color of the product is not right. Something can be a red but it would appear orange on camera.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to get the right lighting for reviewing small products?

Thanks :)

Lumens tells you how much light you have. What light spectrum is you lighting? 5,000 is sunlight. If you get to far away from 5K you will start to change colors (you can adjust in camera).