Other Let's talk about a book!


Well-Known Member
Hi, I'm Dylan! I started a YouTube channel about the classic books, like Alice in Wonderland, The Catcher in the Rye and The Picture of Dorian Gray. I know, not the most popular subject :p But my goal is that one day, this won't be as strange an idea.

I like to involve a lot of different guest speakers, and I was wondering if maybe someone on YTtalk would like to feature on the show some time! You'd get to pick three books that interest you from an extensive list, after which my audience votes which of those three they want us to read. You can feature in the short 'Should you read it?' review of the book and/or in the free form discussion in the Podcast video, whichever you like.

My format currently prefers guest speakers to also live in Holland, but I'm all about experimenting, so I'm sure we can work something out. Similarly, I'm all ears for featuring on one of your videos, regardless of field or topic, or in perhaps seeing if we can find some interesting middle ground to work in!

So take this chance to show your audience you're super smart! :p All jokes aside though, I truly hope someone will be willing to give this a try :)