Leather Gloves Gaming

Hey guys,
First off I'd like to introduce myself! I'm Everett, I do a YouTube channel with my good friend Joseph! We are called, you guessed it, LeatherGlovesGaming! Look us up please! We do video commentaries for very popular games. We are very new but hope to get bigger! It's a lot of fun to do this or our subscribers which we need more of. So please, go to out channel and subscribe. Also, comment on this forum with your reviews, etc.
Looks like your off to a good start! Seems like you guys have fun doing it as well, as thats important.

It would appear aside from our geographical locations our channels are quite similar :) There are a couple of us over at Watermelonr0fl working together to get the jerb done...and goof around alot.

Anyway, we know how it is to be starting off. I liked one of your videos that I watched and subscribed to your channel. If you get the chance, we'd love it if you took a look at our stuff, and help out in anyway you can!