Kids channel and copyright?

Jenna no manga

YTtalk Mad

I was wondering hiw kids channel get away with using spiderman, Frozen and marvel characters in their videos without getting flag for copyright.

I am not talking about toys but skits using the characters. Especially since some of these videos are disturbing m.

Show us an example to show what you mean. But I'd say usually , they don't care and just do it until they're caught
I am talking about channel H3H3 talked about like Elsa is pregnant by Spiderman Fart Joker seringe kind of video with adults wearing costumes of Frozen and Marvel characters and do skits that are super weird sometimes.

Why isn't it copyright infringement? Are brands just unaware of these? They have millions of views .
I imagine they are falling under the parody catagory under fair use. So it's a grey area and unless they do something extra offensive I don't see Marvel going for a copyright claim.
Fair use is a US thing I think cause in France or Japan I think even commentary can have you video claimed for using footage .

I found One called web and tiara Anna and Elsa series I am surprised this is possible still.
As others have mentioned, it could fall under fair use. It could also fall under the first sale doctrine. You've purchased an officially licensed item, you now have the right to sell, display or dispose of the item however you wish.
I have never heard of first sale doctrine , that is interesting. There are toys channels in France and Japan where they play with toys as well.

Anyway thanks for people to take the time to answer me. As Youtube is available in different countries I guess it is not the same rules everywhere.