Keys to Success on YouTube


I have been making YouTube videos for a little over nine months now, and I have been picking up awesome tips and tricks from people on this forum and people on YouTube in general. What I thought I would do is share what I believe are the keys to success on YouTube. these are in no particular order, but they are all pretty much essential to having the slightest success on YouTube.

Now what I mean by quality isn't just having a good microphone, a high quality camera, or the greatest editing software out there. These are good tools to help you get good quality, but they are not what makes your video high quality. The quality of the content includes how you present it. Using an enthusiastic voice, asking your viewers questions, or talking about personal experiences are great ways to improve your content quality. Putting up a video in which you speak in a monotone voice about a topic that slightly interests you is not a good idea.

Being unique doesn't necessarily mean to create your own niche or start something brand new. Sure those are definitely unique, but if you are really passionate about something, make videos in a way that reflects your personality. For example, I make pokemon videos, but there are also a lot of other people who make pokemon videos. How I make my videos unique is by combining intelligence and entertainment to my videos. You don't see that many PokeTubers who actually know every pokemon's strengths, weaknesses, and threats. When you make videos, you should know what sets you apart from the rest of the crowd.

Search Engine Optimization is a huge part of getting a good start on YouTube. Search Engine Optimization is a bit complicated, but there are some awesome articles here that you can check out. Unless you have thousands of subscribers or more, you are probably going to have to rely heavily on S.E.O. to get your videos ranked high on the search. I have videos with only a few thousand views that are above multiple videos with over a million just through S.E.O.

This point is really important because you need to know that nothing on YouTube is just given to you. If you truly want to succeed on YouTube, you are going to have to put in a lot of hard work in not only videos, but responding to your viewers in a positive way. It seems to me that the most common complaint among content creators is that they aren't getting views or subscribers. It seems to me that these people feel like they deserve them without putting in all that much effort. You have to set yourself apart from every other content creator so that people will want to come back again and again. Remember that anyone can make a YouTube video, but not everyone can be successful on YouTube.

This is the last point I am going to discuss, but it is absolutely vital to having anything related to success in anything. If you don't enjoy making videos, you should not be doing it. If you wouldn't be making videos even if nobody was watching them, you shouldn't be uploading videos to YouTube. To be honest, I didn't enjoy making my first few videos because I knew they sucked. Now that I know I am making good content, I love making videos and would do it even if I wasn't uploading to YouTube. Once you have that passion for making videos, you are definitely on the right track.

Those are just a few of the keys to success that I was able to come up with. I am sure there are a lot more out there, but these are what I think are probably the most important ones. If you have some other keys to success, post a reply so we can all help each other out. Thanks for reading :)
Good tips. I think it's difficult at first to find your unique point, but after a few videos and some feedback from viewers I think I'm starting realize what I do that is different from others. I think you last point was good too. It seems to get easier and better with time.
This is a great post and definitely good advice for those starting out. I myself have been doing this for about 2 months now so I'm right in the mix here.
Great points and quite helpful for new people starting out on YT, having the passion for the content on a YT channel is so important. If you don`t have the passion for the content it shows in the final video production
Like pewdiepie said, just be yourself :) Be funny, edit it even more funny, make jokes with your subscribers, talk to them so they can see you care about them :)
Great Post Everyone! I still need to perfect the SEO part, also I need to make certain I know what I am doing.