Just got partnership from awesomeness tv!

Well congrats on getting partnered. I still wish you (and a lot of other people who fall for them) would of done some research of AwesomenessTV before partnering up with them.

Best of luck with your channel.
Well congrats on getting partnered. I still wish you (and a lot of other people who fall for them) would of done some research of AwesomenessTV before partnering up with them.

Best of luck with your channel.
Well now i wish i did a lot more my friend is partnered with them and i did a bit but i guess im an idiot but thanks anyway
I am very confused, You either are partnered with them and signed a contract or you aren't partnered, all this talk about you can leave when you want is confusing. If you are partnered with them your probably locked in for 2 years and so are all channels you make in the future so I hope you read through what you signed up for.