Just got A Machiniima Partnership NEED HELP!

Hey all. So my channel is completely partnered now with Machinima, but i need to increase my subs and audience. I need some help to promote my channel and get the channel out there. Does anyone think they can help me. It would mean the world to me and I will do anything in return (within good reason obviously).
If you wanted exposure you should have avoided machinima.... same with payments and support... lol
Whats wrong with Machinima, Thankyou glad to be part of a strong community.
There's nothing wrong with Machinima... their just people who hate on them for watching hateful videos of people who suppose of expose the contract which everyone knows everyone who are part or with Machinima have different contracts.

Ignore Vultra is that simple. Everyone have their own opinions. I like my scrambled some like them sunny side up.