Crikey, I've just found another channel that's done the same, copied all my videos & started a new channel .. altho it's probably the same person, as both channels are using my videos to advertise affiliate offers.
What make me laugh is how companies are jumping on the bandwagon & claiming copyright on my content. On the first copied channel it was AwalUKLimited & now on the second, the owner has somehow managed to monetize all my videos through Quiz Group.
I don't understand why YouTube hasn't identified them as stolen videos? My channel is 5 years old, all the content is original music created by me & I've monetized all the videos, but their Content ID system hasn't matched a single video back to me .. & we're talking about 40 videos here.
The person that's stolen my videos hasn't mucked around with the audio, so you would think (or at least hope) all the videos would automatically be labelled as copyrighted upon uploading?
.. & I haven't uploaded any of them with a creative commons license, so ... !?!